How To Use Shade Nets Correctly

Nov 20, 2019

First, we must choose the correct shade net. The shade nets on the market are mainly black and silver gray. The black shading rate is high and the cooling effect is good, but it has a greater impact on photosynthesis and is more suitable for use on leafy vegetables. It should be used to reduce the coverage time on some hi-light vegetables. Although the silver-gray shading net is not as cool as black, it has less effect on the photosynthesis of vegetables and can be used on hi-light vegetables such as eggplant and fruits.

The second is to use the sunshade net correctly. There are two kinds of shading net covering methods: gazebo-type covering. In practical applications, gazebo-type covering is more effective because of the smooth air circulation and cooling. The specific method is: The frame covers the sunshade net on the top, leaving a ventilation band of 60 to 80 cm on it. If it is covered with a film, the sunshade net cannot be directly covered on the film, and a gap of more than 20 cm should be left to use the wind to cool down.

Although covering the sunshade net can reduce the temperature, it also reduces the light intensity, which adversely affects the photosynthesis of vegetables, so the coverage time is also important.It should be avoided throughout the day.It can be used between 10am to 4pm Cover the high and low temperatures. When the temperature drops to 30 ° C, remove the sunshade net. Do not cover it on cloudy days to minimize the adverse effects on the vegetables.


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